Paul’s Method and Message – DTS005


Dr. L. Russ Bush teaches from the book of Acts on the method and message that the Apostle Paul used as he preached to everyone who would listen.  Paul focused on the positive message of the gospel without compromising the content and truth of scripture.  He didn’t insult his audience, but brought the clear message of what Christ has done for all people.

Dr. Bush points out the futility of going to those who don’t believe with only a message of condemnation as well as the futility of giving a message of love that is devoid of the content found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I think this message was taught in 1979 at a meeting of the Mississippi Baptist State Convention.  I am guessing at the year and venue based on what is said in the unedited audio of this message and that of the next message on the Trinity.  I know that it was given shortly before the release of Baptists and the Bible, which was published in 1980, and that he was in Jackson in a MS Baptist State Convention building.